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Showing posts from October, 2017


OUR NEXT HOGNOSE SEARCH COMING SOON! Was'up guys! I know I haven't posted anything for a while but thats because I haven't had the time for a while.    So, on my last expidition  to finding the hognose snake I found nothing. Which was dissapointing yet only expected since they can be hard to find.   I've been doing deeper research on where to find the little critter. And here's what i've found so far: Watch ME look for a Hognose snake! The hognose lives in sand-pits and areas where there are dead leaves They only come out during the day They can be fond during spring and fall they can be found where in Pennsylvania and most northeastern States of America They like most amphibians but prefer toads the most They play dead when threatened They are not venomous They can grow almost to the size of a bed! So hopefully now with this information I can find a Hognose Snake! So stay tuned for the next episode of Exploring With Maceo!